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About Us

Bambu Battambang Hotel is owned and operated by a local couple - Pat and Chan Talbot. Pat is an Irishman who first came to Batttambang 5 years ago and fell in love with the city and its people. A builder by trade Pat was assisted by his brother Steve and friend Bill Woodroffe with their respective backgrounds in environmental management and architectural design. Between us we were keen to create structures that are sympathetic to our local built environment.


We toured the city and countryside for inspiration and have borrowed architectural features from around the town. We used only local labour and wherever possible local materials - for instance all floor and roof tiles, joinery and most of the furniture was made here in Battambang. Similarly all the trees, shrubs and flowers in the gardens were sourced locally. We use solar for much of our power and have opted for a salt water pool which is both better for our guests, but also free from damaging chemical agents, lessening the impact on the environment.


Architect and designer: Bill Woodroffe, Fifth Element Architects. Main Contractor. Ritha Pruonh +855 088 999971